This highway, from Chicago to Santa Monica CA. has been called the ‘Most Famous Highway in America’ and the ‘Mother Road.’ It has been immortalized in film, TV, books, and songs. It embodies three major themes: 1) The American and World fascination with ‘Going West’. 2) The allure of driving through the ‘Wild Open Spaces’ associated with the Midwest and the West and, 3) In an era of boring sameness of Interstate highways, Route 66 is famous for the eccentric exuberances of the ‘Mom and Pop’ commercial users who built the Blue Whale, the Teepee Motel, the three story milk bottle, the chrome diners, and buried classic Cadillacs, fins-up, along the Highway. The highway is a bit rusty, faded, and ignored by some, but it has so-much lore that Paul McCartney announces at a concert he is renting a car to travel it, a young man wears a ‘Route 66’ T-shirts on the streets of Paris, and people from all over the world schedule their vacations to drive, but more importantly ‘experience,’ this cultural jewel.